Use Stan model to estimate bias and estimands
sampling_variable = "meta",
which_estimand = "hidden_size",
benchmark = list(sample = "pps", estimator = "ht"),
stan_handler = get_meta_stan3,
hidden_prior = NULL,
rel_bias_prior = list(mean = 1, se = 10),
control_params = list(iter = 8000, chains = 8, thin = 10, seed = 872312, cores = 1)
pass-through meta population or meta sample data frame
name of variable storing meta analysis sampling information
name of study level estimand for meta analysis
named list of length 2 giving benchmark sampling-estimator pair (only accepts one value across studies for now)
function that takes stan_data as input and produces compilable stan model object
list of two hyperpriors, on means and standard errors of each included sampling-estimator pairs. Names of list objects should be "mean" and "se". If one number provided for a hyperprior it gets expanded to all sampling-estimator pairs
list of two hyperpriors, on means and standard errors of relative bias. Names of list objects should be "mean" and "se".
list of additional parameters to pass to Stan fit function. These can include number of iterations, chains, thinning, seed and number of cores to use