Estimator of population size based on Link-Tracing Sample by Vincent and Thompson
pass through sample
integer giving the total size of the population
string specifying column name of strata vector
named list of parameters passed to Gibbs sampler
named list of prior specification for population size, stratum membership and links. p_n is an integer specifying the power law prior for population size (0 = flat). p_l is a positive rational numeric vector of length n_strata specifying the dirichlet prior for stratum membership (0.1 = non-informative). p_b is an integer specifying the beta distribution prior for links (1 = non-informative).
logical indicating whether to display progress bar. Defaults to FALSE
character string giving name of the column with RDS+ sampling indicator
character string giving label for the estimator
Data frame of link tracing estimates for single study
Vincent, Kyle, and Steve Thompson. "Estimating population size with link-tracing sampling." Journal of the American Statistical Association 112.519 (2017): 1286-1295. Vincent, Kyle, and Steve Thompson. "Estimating the size and distribution of networked populations with snowball sampling." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10.2 (2022): 397-418.